Focused on the future of real estate


  • 2018

16 November 2018

AEW's Ian Mason takes part in Asset TV's recent Roundtable discussing the benefits of investing in real estate for Local Government Pension Schemes

Portfolio Manager Ian Mason recently participated in the "LGPS Institutional Masterclass" discussing UK Local Government Pension Schemes and their requirements to invest for income. Ian looks at the changing role of real estate in liability matching strategies. Click here to watch the video.

06 June 2018

The High Street: Armageddon or Opportunity - A look back at AEW UK Investment Management's recent economic briefing

AEW UK gathered together a range of industry experts in front of a packed crowd to discuss the future of the high street on 10th May. Click here for a video of the event.

31 May 2018

Care Home Professional: Magic Care Formula

AEW UK Fund Manager Ian Mason reveals the magic formula he is looking for when investing in a care home: "We are property investors so we are attracted very much to the property fundamentals. The key fundamental of everything we buy is focused on the occupier so where you have got demand higher than supply that's a very good dynamic."

30 May 2018

Camradata Investment Conference: Investing for income - the changing role of real estate in cashflow matching strategies

At a time when interest rates are starting to rise but the hunt for yield goes on, pension funds seeking cash flow matching strategies could do a lot worse than consider real estate income, says Ian Mason, a veteran of the property fund management industry.

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